Real Estate

real estate

Buying and selling an apartment

You are welcome to contact us immediately for an initial consultation at no cost at the time of inquiries about any real estate transaction you intend to make.

The firm has diverse experience in handling a variety of projects in the real estate industry.

Selling an apartment or buying an apartment, for most people is the biggest economic move that will happen in their life. For this reason a lawyer representing the seller or buyer has a key role to play in getting the deal done.

Every transaction, without exception, requires a series of pre-purchase checks. Our firm performs the necessary inspections to verify material defects that may be in the condition of the property, both in its physical condition and in its planning and legal condition.

All of the above is in addition to the careful planning required in the transaction that relates to the schedules of the transaction – delivery of possession, legal and registration, coordination with financing parties in the transaction, including third parties who are also affected.

Each of the factors mentioned above has an impact in relation to the execution of the transaction, from the planning stage to the execution stage.

This is especially true in housing improvement transactions, which our firm often represents – selling and buying at the same time, or as it is known and sold as back-to-back transactions.

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